Cadours purple garlic
Cadours purple garlic is registered as a PDO, a European protection for products made according to a specific know-how and in a specific region. The PDO, an appreciated qualification, is due to its purple color, its big size and its typical flavour. Purple garlic is on sale on Cadours Wednesday morning market from July to mid-September. Farmers welcome you in their farms to sell garlic in bulk or garlic braids.
La Grenadaine
Whether you are very hot or not, take a seat in the shade of the old market and savour a Grenadaine. This lager is brewed with local cereals by former rugby players of the famous Grenade Sports club.
Le Fénétra
This delicious dessert is made up of sweet shortcrust pastry, candied lemon peel and almond biscuit. A few pastry chefs keep the recipe secret ! You will also like the Violettra made with violet.

Saucisse de Grenade
Grenade sausage
This sausage has nothing to do with Toulouse sausage as its recipe is a secret of the society called Confrérie Joviale et Gourmande de la Saucisse de Grenade. We can only tell you that the recipe includes a little bit of garlic.