Along the river Garonne…
In the 13th C. the river Garonne used to flow close to the city of Grenade and it completed its fortifications. Today it flows eastwards. In Ondes the banks of the river are lined with woods that house many species.
The river Garonne used to provide builders with pebbles that were traditionally used together with red brick to build walls. Nowadays the banks of the river are lined with « ramier » the local name for poplar groves.
Along the river Save....
Don’t hesitate to discover the river Save that flows in the river Garonne in Grenade. You’ll have an easy access to its banks in Grenade, Saint-Paul and Montaigut sur Save.
The source of the river Save is in Lannemezan, Hautes-Pyrénées. It flows for 144 km up to the confluence with the river Garonne. The Save valley has long been cultivated as it offers alluvial soils suitable for cereal growing.

The Ramier de Bigorre is situated on the banks of the river Garonne in Merville. Its disco...
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